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Magic tricks are categorized as a street, stage, and party magic tricks depending upon their types. Beginner magic tricks are often party tricks like making liquid appear in an empty glass. A party trick that can be performed at clubs, bars, or any sort of gathering. It looks very difficult, but it is simple. It is the best trick for beginners, and they can perform it with a little bit of practice.
What you need:
- Two glasses which should be identical.
- One glass should be filled with any liquid, and other should be empty.
- One table.
- A small towel or any other cloth of normal size. Its size should be such that it can easily cover or hide the glass.
How Magician Perform it?
Magician sits on a chair, and there is a table in his front. On the table, there is an empty glass and a towel. The magician shows the glass to the public that it is a normal glass and has nothing in it. Then the illusionist picks up the empty glass and towel, then cleans the glass with it. While doing this, the glass gets filled with the liquid. Wow! The magician really did it.
It looks impossible, but let's look at how to do this step by step.
So what is the Secret?
This may seem like a complicated trick that involves magic. But, it is simply sleight of hand, and should be performed with speed.
- Purpose of placing table
No doubt table is used to place the glass and towel, but it also has another use as well. The table is actually used to hide the lap of the magician.
- Filled glass
Another glass which is filled with the liquid is not visible to the public and magician places it in his lap which is concealed by the table.
- Use of towel
The magician uses the towel to clean the glass, but this action is only to distract the audience and to exchange the glass.
How Magicians exchange glasses?
The magician picks up the empty glass and cleans it with the towel. The filled glass is in the lap of the magician. The magician picks up the filled glass and exchanges it with the empty glass. All this happens behind the towel, and it should be rapid so that audience won't pick up on the exchange.
Final Thoughts
Want to learn some beginner magic tricks? Making liquid appear in an empty glass is a great party trick for any beginner. With some practice and confidence you will have people believing your magic in no time.
- Both glasses should be same.
- The size of towel should be larger than the glass.
- Hold the towel carefully so that the public can’t see the other glass.
- Perform it with the speed so that public can’t guess the trick.